Many people delay creating a will for various reasons.  However, having a valid will and other documents in place now may prevent unnecessary stress, heartache or friction for your loved ones later.  A will determines who receives the assets from your estate and under what circumstances your estate is distributed, rather than the State making that determination for you.  There are many considerations such as naming an executor, a guardian for children and trustee over money for a young person.  When circumstances change, your will may need to change, also.

Certain other documents should also be considered such as a financial power of attorney and a durable power of attorney for health care (where one would appoint an agent to make healthcare decisions for them).  Too often people need such documents for themselves or their aging parents, but discover that it is too late, perhaps because of competency issues.  A qualified lawyer can assist you in preparing a valid will and other documents tailored to your specific wishes. 

The Law Offices of Larry H. Tatum, P.C. can assist you in the preparation of your will, powers of attorney or healthcare directives and ensure that your wishes are carried out.  We can also review or update your will or other documents when life situations create change.

Contact us at (770) 979-2199 and schedule an appointment today!

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