Helping kids and families since 1994.
In Georgia, there are three basic areas of juvenile law. First, there is where a child under the age of 17 years is charged with an offense which would constitute a crime if he or she were an adult (i.e. shoplifting, battery, drug offenses, etc.). Second, there are cases where a child is in need of protective intervention by the Court as a result of abuse, misconduct, neglect, or lack of proper care by the child’s parent or custodian. Such cases often involve DFACS, but may be originated by others such as grandparents. The third basic category involves children and aged-based offenses, such as ungovernable children, runaway cases, truancy and curfew violations. Each of these areas presents a specialized area where a parent should consult with an experienced juvenile law attorney.
Cases alleging that a child has committed a delinquent offense are serious matters. Certain offenses may result in probation, detention in a youth facility, fees, loss of driving privileges and even removal of a child from the home. As with any allegation of criminal conduct, a parent should consult with a knowledgeable juvenile law attorney to assist their child in this matter. The rules and options are different in juvenile court.
In DFACS matters, parents often feel they are the accused. It is necessary for a parent to have an advocate on their side to address allegations that their child is deprived. In other situations, grandparents find themselves raising grandkids. Parents often feel that fingers are pointing at them for their child’s behavior. A qualified family and juvenile law attorney can provide direction and representation in these areas.
Larry H. Tatum is also experienced in representing students in school disciplinary hearings. Contact us if your child need representation at a school panel hearing.
The Law Offices of Larry H. Tatum, P.C. has been instrumental in providing passionate representation to children and families in juvenile courts for over 20 years. Mr. Tatum is widely regarded as one of the most experienced Georgia attorneys in the area of juvenile law.
For a consultation, contact us at 770-979-2199 today.
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