Whether you are considering divorcing your spouse or seeking to modify your custody or support judgment, the Law Offices of Larry H. Tatum, P.C. is here for you.

Larry H. Tatum is committed to offering individuals and families in the Gwinnett County, metro Atlanta and North Georgia areas friendly personal attention and thorough legal services. Let us help you today with any family law issues including:


Divorce can be a stressful minefield to navigate.  As a powerful litigator and skilled negotiator, Larry H. Tatum has the knowledge and the experience to assist you with your contested or uncontested divorce including property division and equitable distribution matters, even when involving high asset estates.

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Child Custody

Our office will vigorously help you obtain a fair and favorable child custody agreement that will help you preserve the special relationship you have with your child.  We understand the importance of the time you spend with your child and will work with you to maximize that relationship.

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Child Support

Whether you are seeking child support or you have been ordered to pay support, we will strive to ensure that any child support award is appropriate under Georgia law and is in the best interest of your child and your particular situation.

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Our office will help you design a workable visitation schedule that meets the child's best interest as well as your unique situation.

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Paternity and Legitimation

Are you seeking to establish paternity of your child to obtain child support or go through the process of legitimation to establish yourself as a legal father of your child to establish parental rights?  Our office assists both men and women with all paternity and legitimation matters.

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Modifying and Enforcing Court Orders

If you are seeking to modify or enforce your support or custody order or if someone is doing so against you, the Law Offices of Larry H. Tatum, P.C. can help. We will explain your legal rights and guide you through the process to resolve the issues.

Learn more about: Modifying Orders or Enforcing Orders

Juvenile Law

Mr. Tatum is one of the most experienced attorneys around when it comes to juvenile court cases. He has training as both a guardian ad litem and advocate for children and families. We can handle virtually any case involving a minor.

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Domestic Violence

Each party should take a domestic violence or stalking claim very seriously. Mr. Tatum has successfully represented both men and women in protective order hearings. A TPO can have drastic impact on the lives of you and your family.

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For a consultation, contact us at 770-979-2199 today.

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