Never go to court without experienced representation.
When you are facing criminal charges, there is no better way to protect yourself than to consult an experienced attorney who knows how to effectively defend you. Whether you have been arrested on DUI charges or on an alleged drug, violence, theft or other crime, the Law Offices of Larry H. Tatum, P.C. is ready to help. Never go to Court without experienced representation.
As a skilled Georgia trial attorney, Larry H. Tatum is committed to helping clients defeat or minimize serious criminal legal consequences. We can help you with almost any charge including:
DUI Defense
We aggressively defend our clients facing first time and subsequent DUI charges. The Law Offices of Larry H. Tatum, P.C. will help you attempt to avoid driver's license suspension and other serious penalties. In addition, our office offers experienced and competent underage DUI defense to college students and other underage clients facing alcohol or drug possession charges. Prompt action is required in any DUI case!
Underage DUI/Alcohol
The rules, standards, and consequences are different when it involves a minor and any alcohol charge. We are experienced and dedicated to helping young people faced with alcohol charges.
Marijuana Possession and Drug Charges
Don't let a marijuana charge ruin your life. We are experienced in defending against any marijuana or drug possession charge.
Domestic Violence
When you have been accused of domestic violence, you need an experienced attorney to defend you. The Law Offices of Larry H. Tatum, P.C. will work to dismiss or minimize your charges to protect your future and your reputation.
Misdemeanors and Felony Charges
We are experienced to assist you with your misdemeanor or felony charge. Anyone facing a misdemeanor or felony charge should never go to Court without an experienced criminal law attorney. Any criminal offense is serious. Contact us today!
Shoplifting, Theft and Property Crimes
We understand how detrimental theft crime convictions can be to our clients. In the era of background checks, a theft charge can have a devastating effect on your ability to get a job. The Law Offices of Larry H. Tatum, P.C. is fully prepared to help you fight against your charges involving shoplifting, theft, burglary or property damage.
Traffic Violations
From speeding tickets and suspended license to reckless driving charges, we will work to fight against or reduce your charges. The Law Offices of Larry H. Tatum, P.C. is experienced in all traffic matters.
Expungement/Record Restriction
If your criminal history is hindering employment opportunities, we may can help!
Juvenile Law
When your child is charged with a delinquent act (i.e., a crime) you need an experienced juvenile law attorney. Mr. Tatum is one of the most experienced attorneys in Georgia for helping young people facing charges in Juvenile Court.
For a consultation, contact us at 770-979-2199 today.